Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2108 Canal Directory: Rates of Toll and Distances on the Erie and Champlain Canals, as Established by the Canal Board, March 12, 1836, together with a List of Canal Officers, etc.
2106 "At Home on the Canal."
2107 BARCK, DOROTHY C., and ARTHUR B. CARLSON. "125th Anniversary of the Com-pletion of the Erie Canal, with a Checklist of Views and Maps on Display."
2109 ENNIS, DAVID. "Navigating on the Erie Canal."
2110 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Duttenhofer's , Drawing of the First Aqueduct at Roch-ester.
2111 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Little Boys and Packet Boats."
2112 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Canal Basins in Rochester.
2113 HANYAN, CRAIG R. "China and the Erie Canal."
2115 IVORY, PAUL.W. "Packet Boat Runners on the Erie Canal."
2116 JENSEN, ALBERT C. "Building the Erie Canal."
2117 LEE, FLORENCE. A Guide to Canal Sites within Monroe County,
2118 MADDEN, EMILY A. "Where Was DeWitt Clinton July 4, 1817?"
2119 MORAN, EUGENE F. "The Erie Canal as I have Known It."
2121 N.Y. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE A Certified Copy of the Register of Canal Boats Kept in the Comptroller's Office, Showing Their Names and Owners, as They Stook upon the Register on the 1st January, 1839.
2122 N.Y. ERIE CANAL CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. The Erie Canal Centennial Celebration, 1925; the Final Report of the Erie Canal Centennial Commission Sub-mitted to the Governor and the Legislature ...
2123 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Erie Canal: History of the Canal that Made New York the Empire State from 1817 to the Present. An Exhibit Porto- folio by the New York State Council on the Arts for the New York Museums Collaborative.
2120 NARAMORE, SALLY. "South of Court Street, the Weighlock."
2124 O'DONNELL, THOMAS F. "'I'm Afloat!' on the Raging Erie."
2114 RUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Sail the Shining Waters: Canal Lore from Monroe County, N.Y.
2125 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "Life on the Canal."
2126 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Memorial Art Gallery. "The Erie Canal: Thruway of Yesterday." An Exhibition Featuring the 130th Anniversary of the Opening of Rochester's First Aqueduct over the Genesee River. October, November, December, 1953.

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